Naxçıvanın Dövlət Energetika Agentliyinin funksiyaları "Azərenerji" və "Azərişığ"a ötürüləcək
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Azərbaycan ədliyyəsi də yeni tarixi mərhələyə qədəm qoyur. Ədliyyə orqanlarının yaradılmasından 106 il ötür
“Böyük Qayıdış” Gənclər Təşkilatı Zəfər Günü və Dövlət Bayrağı Günü ilə bağlı bir sıra tədbirlər həyata keçirib
The Mingachevir phase of the project, which was focused on improving the abilities of young trainers has been concluded
The Mingachevir phase of the project "Capacity development of the youth trainers in the regions of Azerbaijan" organized with the support of the European Youth Foundation and coordinated by NAYORA has already been completed.
A total of 20 young trainers from 10 different regions took part in the project, with the primary aim of enhancing their skills and providing assistance for their non-formal education initiatives. This endeavor sought to improve the appeal and quality of non-formal education within Azerbaijan's regions.
Throughout the 5-days training course, various team-building activities were carried out to facilitate networking among the participants. In addition, workshops and informative sessions were conducted, covering subjects such as the definition and advantages of non-formal education, experiential learning, and effective approaches when working with the disadvantaged youth.
After the completion of the project, follow-up projects will be organized and their topics have been selected to prepare the programs.
It is worth mentioning that the project's second phase is scheduled to be held in Lankaran. Aspiring young trainers from Lankaran and neighboring districts are encouraged to apply for participation in the training course.
Registration link: